Six Sentence Sunday – 28 October 2012

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Greetings, all! It’s that time of the week again!

We are continuing with Giant Killer directly from last week’s snippet. David has entered his father’s house at a run:

Jesse sat at the dining table, his white hair and beard beacons in the dim light; a man unknown to David leaned forward pouring wine from the jug between them. David’s eyes adjusted to the darkened interior, and he judged from the quality of the man’s cloak that the stranger was certainly not a soldier.

“Come here, my son,” called the patriarch, rising slowly to embrace his youngest child and kiss him on each cheek. “This man is Ziba, a servant in the household of King Saul.”

Relief made David testy; he turned and spoke to the man named Ziba, eyeing him narrowly, “Why are you here? What does King Saul want from Jesse of Bethlehem?”

Thanks for stopping and reading! Be sure to visit more writers on the list here.

‘Til next time!

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