Six Sentence Sunday – 13 January 2013

Read more snippets!


Greetings, all!

As I said last week, I’m continuing with Giant Killer through the end of January. Given the limited time frame, I’m going to jump forward a bit.

This week we rejoin David, who has obeyed Jesse‘s command to go to Saul, as he enters the hall at Gibeah:

Ziba stopped in front of a platform on which sat a stern looking, older man—Saul, David assumed. But David’s attention was diverted from the king by the handsome, rangy soldier standing behind the raised chair—long, sun-lightened hair framed an olive face of pleasing planes and angles, although David could tell that the man’s nose had been broken; an imperfection that played counterpoint to the soulful eyes to either side. But the warrior’s slight smirk seemed at odds with those eyes—yet David could have spent much time gazing into their hazel depths.

The royal retainer introduced him to the king, and all the words he’d intended to say to Saul fled from David’s mind. He dropped his gaze to the floor; his face felt hot and his palms were cold. This is all so different than I had imagined.

Thanks for stopping by! Be sure to check out other Six Sentence Sunday snippets here.

‘Til next time!

13 thoughts on “Six Sentence Sunday – 13 January 2013

  1. Wow, C.C. I love the description of the soldier and then David’s reaction to his introduction. Well done! There’s some amazing writing in this story!

  2. Nice insight into David’s feelings when he spies the guard / soldier & then, a lovely tense moment when his mind goes blank. Wonder what he’ll end up saying?

  3. I’m in love with the way you described the soldier. No wonder David forgot what he wanted to say 🙂
    A great snippet! Is the book available yet? I was looking on Amazon and couldn’t find it.

  4. What a great description! I especially liked that he had a broken nose, thus making him more human, even if David could have remained gazing into his eyes. Great Six, C.C!

  5. Pingback: Six Sentence Sunday – 20 January 2013 | C.C. Williams Online

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