… it pours!
But first: I hope that everyone in the US had a great Turkey Day! JT and I spent ours with friends—a bunch of ol’ married couples we’ve known for years—great food and fun and we were in bed by a decent hour!
So, anyway… last week on Thursday (the 15th) I get an email from Cleis Press and the subject line reads, “Response Urgently Needed!” Now this is not the type of email that I routinely receive, neither with that subject line nor from Cleis Press. So I was very curious! Turns out that they wanted to contract a reprint of one of my stories for a “Best of the Best” type anthology! Woo-hoo! Talk about a nice little birthday present. (I, of course, accepted.)
Then… on Wednesday, I get an email from an editor to whom I had submitted some work that he’s accepting the story and that I’ll be receiving a contract. Yee-haw! (First printings pay better than reprints.)
The-en… today, I receive the above-mentioned contract AND another email—with a contract attached—for a different story! Cha-ching! (Good things do come in threes!)
So, in just over a week, I have contracted three stories for publication next year! I sure hope that bodes well for the three submissions I am working furiously to finish for their upcoming deadlines.
So now, back to work…
Such excellent news! So happy for you, C.C. 🙂
Thanks, Silver!