Hump Day Hook – 30 January 2013


Greetings, all!

Time for a Hump Day Hook! Today’s piece is from my recent release, Midnight Incantation, a paranormal/horror erotica short.

Untouched by moonbeams, seeming to absorb the nacreous light, the demon stood black and infinite, taking in the small, mundane—oh, so human—details of the room. A porn star calendar hung above the desk, two muscled young men engrossed in each other’s cock. Escher postcards stood at angles in the mirror’s frame. Crimson eyes moved toward Jason. He lay face down on the bed where the cotton sheet cowered over his legs, and the moon’s light edged the fine hairs on his arms and neck. Making a casual gesture with a scaled hand, the intruding spirit froze the bolt of the door in the jamb. Jason would not be leaving for a while.

Midnight Incantation is available at All Romance eBooks, Amazon and Rainbow eBooks.

Be sure to check out more of the Humpers here.

‘Til next time!

24 thoughts on “Hump Day Hook – 30 January 2013

  1. Oooh, I like demons…and beautiful men…especially together. 😉 Great hook, you got my attention. I’ll be off to check out the book now…

  2. Hee, hookers and humpers!

    This is a very chilling snippet. I like the confidence shown in the leisurely pace of the demon and the little details of the room are very and tragically human. I already fear for Jason.

  3. I think this is the first time I’ve read your stuff. I’m sorry if I have missed your hooks in the past. Loved your writing and description. What a great hook!

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