Unofficial Six Sentence Sunday

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Greetings, all!

For our initial foray post-6SS, I’ve decided to go with a snippet from a published piece, One Fond Kiss. Yesterday marked its one-year anniversary, so it seemed a good selection for today.

C.C. Williams One Fond Kiss

Ad rep Andrew MacMurray has come to Scotland in pursuit of a million-dollar publicity contract. Riding the train from Edinburgh to Aberdeen, Andrew encounters a local businessman with an unusual way of passing the time.

Scotsman Brian Stuart is an old hand at daily commuting. On his way home from a business trip Brian meets an attractive American tourist whom he persuades to join him in a game to idle away the hours of travel.

Little do the men realize they have more in common than just One Fond Kiss.

Brian rolled the coat into a ball and pressed it against the side of his seat near the door, commenting “I’m going to have a bit of a lie-down, if you dinnae mind.”

“Not at all, go ahead,” Andrew mumbled noncommittally, keeping his eyes glued to his reader which was obscuring the hard-on in his slacks.

Turning his back to Andrew, Brian swung his legs up onto the seat to lay with his knees drawn up and his ankles crossed; he faced away from Andrew with his head resting on the folded coat. When the Scotsman inhaled, his white dress shirt pulled taut across his broad shoulders, re­vealing the sweeping muscles of his back, the slow even breaths confirming his relaxation. The bent position of Brian’s legs caused the kilt’s hem to ride up past his knees, and the garment now lay halfway up his solid thighs.

Careful to make no noise, Andrew slid to the window and pressed himself into the corner of the compartment—from this angle he saw even more of what the Scotsman had to offer—he held his reader as if he was reading by the light from the window, but his eyes were glued to Brian’s butt.

Thanks for stopping and reading! Be sure to check out more of the new Unofficial Sixers here.

‘Til next time!