When It Rains…

… it pours!

But first: I hope that everyone in the US had a great Turkey Day! JT and I spent ours with friends—a bunch of ol’ married couples we’ve known for years—great food and fun and we were in bed by a decent hour!

So, anyway… last week on Thursday (the 15th) I get an email from Cleis Press and the subject line reads, “Response Urgently Needed!” Now this is not the type of email that I routinely receive, neither with that subject line nor from Cleis Press. So I was very curious! Turns out that they wanted to contract a reprint of one of my stories for a “Best of the Best” type anthology! Woo-hoo! Talk about a nice little birthday present. (I, of course, accepted.)

Then… on Wednesday, I get an email from an editor to whom I had submitted some work that he’s accepting the story and that I’ll be receiving a contract. Yee-haw! (First printings pay better than reprints.)

The-en… today, I receive the above-mentioned contract AND another email—with a contract attached—for a different story! Cha-ching! (Good things do come in threes!)

So, in just over a week, I have contracted three stories for publication next year! I sure hope that bodes well for the three submissions I am working furiously to finish for their upcoming deadlines.

So now, back to work…


Six Sentence Sunday – 18 November 2012

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Greetings, all!

Time we again join our story, Giant Killer. This week’s snippet falls on the heels of last week’s six, in which Ziba had related Saul’s advice from the witch of En-dor:

“So we have searched long for one to play for the King, yet none whom we have found prevail against the spirit and end the King’s distemper.”

Trepidation crept within David’s chest, tightening his throat and roiling his gut—ever since that day on which Samuel the old prophet had visited so strangely, sacrificing a heifer and insisting upon anointing him, David had feared something was going to happen. As much as he wanted to leave Bethlehem and its sleepy dustiness, his duty was to Jesse, and Jesse needed him here. If King Saul were to demand his presence, how could he refuse? To refuse would be to shame and dishonor his father, yet to accept would be to leave Jesse helpless. Please, O LORD, pass this cup by me, he prayed.

Thanks for reading! A special thanks to everyone who has been following along, and a super special thanks to everyone who comments!

Be sure to check out more Sixers here.

‘Til next time!

Six Sentence Sunday – 11 November 2012

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Greetings, all!

We are keeping on with Giant Killer, directly following last week’s snippet. King Saul’s servant Ziba continues his story of the ruler’s malady:

“At first he was visited only upon rare occasions, and the base mood would depart quickly. Over time, however, the King has fallen more frequently into this queer disposition and remains so for greater periods—oft times he refuses to rise from his bed, rejecting food and drink, as well as the company of any of his wives.

“We have gone so far as to consult even the wise woman of En-dor. She came with her bags of herbs and seeds and cast noxious things upon the king’s brazier, all the while mumbling through her veil. After which, she spoke roughly unto the King, saying ‘Why do you not command your servants here to go forth and seek one who can play upon the lyre? Then when this evil spirit of GOD comes upon you, he will play and you will recover.’”

Thanks for stopping by! Be sure to check out more SSS snippets here.

‘Til next time!

Six Sentence Sunday – 04 November 2012

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Greetings,  all!

Hopefully everyone is recovering from their post-Halloween sugar coma and ready for some snippets! (If you’re still looking for some [eye] candy, check out my Halloween hotties.)

Today we are continuing with Giant Killer, fast on the heels of last week’s piece. David has met a stranger named Ziba, a servant of King Saul, and has questioned him harshly.

Ziba handed a wine cup to David and signaled for him to sit. “Refresh yourself, young man, whilst we speak.”

The messenger assisted Jesse to sit and then turned to pace momentarily, apparently seeking guidance from the uneven floor. “Following his slaughter of the Amalekites, King Saul returned to Gibeah with their king Agag clothed in chains and defeat.

“Yet despite this triumph, an evil spirit has come upon the King—his highness is seized by this vile demon and falls into a dark temper. The priests and prophets have prayed and scried and, according to them, the LORD has abandoned King Saul to this castigation, yet they offer neither relief nor abatement.”

Thanks for stopping by and reading! Be sure to check out more of the SSS loop here.

‘Til next time!

Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween!

Time again for those galloping ghosts and bumpy, creepy sounds in the night!

Growing up, I looked forward to Halloween—it was always my favorite holiday. (Had a lot to do with getting to be someone other than who I was). As well, my friend Cody, who lived just up the street, always had the coolest house and costumes; his mom had been a special effects/makeup artist in Hollywood! Probably didn’t hurt that he was a looker as well! 😉

Some of my fondest memories are the parties my mother would throw—I would prefer a Halloween party over a birthday party anytime! She had everything: from the de rigeur smoking punch bowl and ghostly organ music to bleeding candles and a bowl of spaghetti and peeled grapes masquerading as eyeballs and worms. Keep in mind this is the seventies we’re talking about—before all the really over the top decor we have available through retail today.  Where would we be without Halloween Express?

So in that spirit of creepy fun and excitement, I have some treats and tricks for my readers!

First is a limited-release free read! All day today (10/31/2012 from 00:01 am to 11:59 pm PDT), there will be a special page to download a PDF of my new erotic horror short, Midnight Incantation. Just click on the title.

Second is some eye-candy. Here are some Halloween hotties and cuties in costume*:

Last is a tricky treat. Discover the secret of the following blurb to one of my stories:

Just a college kid.

One loner.

A night that echoes recurring nightmares.

Leave a comment with your answer, along with the title of the related story. All the correct pairs will be entered in a drawing for a copy of my upcoming novella, Side Effects. So be sure that your email is correct!

*Thanks to the folks at foter.com for the pics, and to these contributors: calvinfleming, Darwin Bell, enric archivell, San Diego Shooter and sea turtle. If we missed someone, our apologies! Drop us an email and we’ll add you in.

Six Sentence Sunday – 28 October 2012

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Greetings, all! It’s that time of the week again!

We are continuing with Giant Killer directly from last week’s snippet. David has entered his father’s house at a run:

Jesse sat at the dining table, his white hair and beard beacons in the dim light; a man unknown to David leaned forward pouring wine from the jug between them. David’s eyes adjusted to the darkened interior, and he judged from the quality of the man’s cloak that the stranger was certainly not a soldier.

“Come here, my son,” called the patriarch, rising slowly to embrace his youngest child and kiss him on each cheek. “This man is Ziba, a servant in the household of King Saul.”

Relief made David testy; he turned and spoke to the man named Ziba, eyeing him narrowly, “Why are you here? What does King Saul want from Jesse of Bethlehem?”

Thanks for stopping and reading! Be sure to visit more writers on the list here.

‘Til next time!

Six Sentence Sunday – 21 October 2012

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Greetings, all!

It’s that time again! Giant Killer continues directly from last week’s bit. David has left Eitan to tend the flock and runs home:

O Lord, keep them well, he prayed as he ran, begging not so much for his own comfort or that of his brothers, but for his father’s peace of mind. Jesse’s life numbered four score years and his health fled from him more each season—a son’s death would surely be his undoing.

David’s powerful pace quickly devoured the distance to their homestead. His sinewy frame belied his strength and fitness, and he arrived at the house little bothered by the physical exertion. Entering the cool darkness of the interior, he called out, “Abba”—Papa—“I came immediately. Are you well?”

Thanks for stopping by! Be sure to read more six sentence offerings here.

‘Til next time!

Six Sentence Sunday – 14 October 2012

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Greetings, all!

Apologies for last week’s snafu–ain’t technology great?

This week’s six from Giant Killer continue from last week’s late posted snippet. We pick up following the appearance of Eitan:

“Cousin—” panted the child “—your father bade me find you and desires that you return home.”

“Has some ill befallen him?”

“A stranger has come—Miriam says from Gibeah!”

“From Gibeah?”

Fear for the safety of his brothers clutched at David’s heart, making it race. He gathered his staff and lyre and, without a backward glance at Eitan, raced up the hillside to cross the fields with long, ground-eating strides.

Thanks for taking the time to read and comment! Be sure to check out the other Sixers here.

‘Til next time!

What I’ve Been Reading

Alike As Two BeesAlike As Two Bees by Elin Gregory

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This was a truly charming and delightful read (really closer to 4.5 stars)!

The characters were well drawn and engaging, and the story, while not long, felt complete and well developed. I enjoy historicals very much and was pleased with this entry for the classical period.

I definitely recommend this novella!

View all my reviews

Six Sentence Sunday – 07 October 2012

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Greetings, all!

Thanks to everyone who has been so supportive of Giant Killer‘s beginnings. We continue directly from last week with our serialization:

Lost in the melodies his hands created, David rocked in the cool shade, dreaming of a place away from his flock. His elder brothers fought in the army of King Saul and, when they visited home, regaled the family with stories of life beyond the dusty confines of Bethlehem. Tales of far-off lands and strange peoples, accounts of great battles against the Ammonites and the Philistines, all fired the young shepherd’s imagination, and he yearned for a life of his own, a life different from the day-to-day stink of sheep.

A piping voice broke into his thoughts, “David, where are you?”

Letting a final chord fade in the burning sunlight, he sighed and opened his eyes, calling out, “Over here, Eitan!” Standing, David stepped from the deep shade and waved to the young boy who loped gracelessly over the hill top.

Thanks for taking the time to read and comment! Be sure to read more snippets here.

‘Til next time!